Growing up I hated the questions, "What do you want to be when you group up". Probably because I didn't know the answer.
Let me rephrase that, it's not that I didn't know the answer. It's that I had too many answers. A teacher, a mom, a marine biologist, a forensic crime technician, an actress, a humanitarian, an entrepreneur, an interior designer, an explorer, a carpenter, a photographer, a sailor, a musician.
All of these were on my list, which is awesome. But not so awesome when you're a grown up who can't figure out what to do with her life. Some people are blessed to know their passions. Others, like myself, are excited by too many options that it's hard to focus on one long enough to know if it's a passion.
I do know a couple of things though. I know I want to live my life well. I know that I don't want to die and wonder what the heck I did with my time. I know I am here for a reason and I'm desperate to figure that reason out.
I find myself on a continual quest for wellness. Some days I get further than other but I guess that's part of the journey. When I say "wellness" I mean health in a physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual sense. I want a thorough, holistic life.
I'm going to blog this journey but I'm not sure what this blog will be. I have some ideas that I've played with over the last few months but none of them ever fully felt like me so I haven't acted on them. I've let my fear of the unknown hold me back for too long though. I don't write or share things because I don't have it figured out yet. But if I wait until I have it figured it out, I may never get to it. You don't get very far by waiting to move. So, here's to figure it out along the way!
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